Hello, World (Wide Web)!

My name is Brigham Campbell. The internet typically knows me by my username, Xeyler.

I’m studying computer science at university in the western U.S. I like using Linux, building mechanical keyboards, and learning Japanese in my spare time! Note: I’m quite bad at all of these things.

I believe that practical coding experience and a strong understanding of data structures, algorithms, and mathematics paired with good communication skills makes a good computer scientist. By that metric, I’m an exceptionally sub-par computer scientist, so I hope to improve my skills and gain experience as a writer, mathematician, and writer of code.

It’s 2023, why are you writing a blog?

Recording my progress and notes on other things happening in the field by way of a blog helps me keep track of my progress and share my ideas with people like you!

Ultimately, I’m doing this because I think I’ll enjoy it. Who cares if the medium seems dated? If you still think blogs are too boring to read these days, then just think of it as a hacker’s notebook, or perhaps a BBS . Retro, yo!

So how did you build this website?

Ah, well I’m glad I asked for you!

At the moment, this site is hosted by GitHub Pages . Each time I push my code to GitHub, it’s automatically generated using Jekyll . On top of Jekyll sits Shopify’s Liquid, a document templating system, and kramdown, a simple markdown/html converter.

There’s more to the mix, but it’s probably a story best told by a separate post at a different time.

How can I contact you?

You can find me on Twitter or at the following email address. Please try Twitter first as there’s no guarantee you’ll make it through my email’s spam filter.

